
Donations to the Co-operative are welcome and will help with the costs of establishing the organisation and preparing our first investment offer. This includes registration fees and professional services (legal review, due diligence, etc.)

Long term we plan for the Co-operative to be self sustaining from membership fees and member investments, not dependent on donations. If you haven’t already then make sure to join as a member!

Donations to the Co-operative are currently not tax deductible.

How to donate

Donations can be made into the Co-operative bank account:

Account name: Castlemaine Community Investment
BSB: 633000
Acc: 213685357

Please include the word “donation” in the description.

Donor names will be kept private unless you request otherwise.

Financial details

The Castlemaine Community Investment Co-operative is “Non-Distributing”, which is a type of Not For Profit organisation. This means no surpluses or profits can be distributed by the Co-operative to members.

Resources including donations are instead used to further the Co-operative’s goals, as determined by the members.

The Co-operative provides financial statements to members each year at the Annual General Meeting, or at other times if the membership formally requests it.