Last night we became an official co-op that can take members (we are 16 strong tonight!).
Come join us as a foundation member!
Full Membership | $40 per year |
Concession/Strapped/Under 18 | $20 per year |
Outside investors/speculators/multi-nationals extracting profit from our communities through real estate, driving prices up and low-income residents, service workers, local enterprises and our wealth out.
Our Co-operative will give local people a way to collectively purchase profitable local properties, providing a return on investment, but taking them out of the speculative real estate market for good.
We aim to keep wealth locally to:
- Tackle economic inequality and profit extraction, and
- Ensure our community assets support things we value, for example, locally owned services, fair access to housing, and action on the climate crisis.
A glass of member Welshmans Reef Vineyard wine in funder Community Bank Maldon & District wineglasses to celebrate our foundation …priceless!